Process Implementation

Process That Fits Your Needs



Software development is contradictory - a combination of crafting and manufacturing. On one hand, you want creativity, innovation and discovery. On the other hand, you need productivity, uniformity and perfection. While the first is solved by promoting an innovative mindset throughout the team, the second is guaranteed by an effective process.

We have been implementing and teaching the Unified Software Development Process since 1998 (before 1998 we used the Fusion Methodology). Based on the concepts of Unified Process and years of experience, we build a set of unique templates of process to drive the software development efficiently. Since we know that every project and company is unique, our main focus is on process implementation - build the process just for you. We customize our template of process to the unique situation of your project and your company. We know that the real challenge of implementing a process is to make it enforceable; therefore we practice the so-called modulized development to decrease the dependence among teams and tasks, and increase the flexibility of work flows.

We also have particular processes or procedures for certain areas of software development: articulating the vision, defining the architecture, developing the database and writing the documentation.


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